It took more work than we expected...and considering this was a "custom" cage for our car, there is still a lot of tubing leftover. However, we have a 6 point cage with some actual triangulation for stiffness. Dare I say, it's a better cage than the car needs...and better than it certainly deserves!

I'm packing the car up from the Petty shop & taking it home tonight; between now & Sunday it'll be a thrash to get the final items on the build sheet taken care of. At that point, we REALLY need to put some miles on it to make sure everything is perfect (well...as perfect as a clunker like this can get), then off to the race next week.

Team: we'll be at my house in Mooresville all weekend long.

Everyone else: come join us at the track April 4 & 5 at Carolina Motorsports Park!