Quick recap: my buddies & I built the MSMAutos.com BMW for the 24 Hours Of Lemons at Carolina Motorsports Park in Kershaw, SC. It's an endurance race for $500 cars. EVERYTHING is tongue in cheek. EVERYTHING.
They have a group of "Judges" (complete with robes & silly white wigs) who assign "BSPs" to each car as it's presented. BSP stands for Bull $#!t Points. Each one is a one lap penalty. They knew we were coming.
They didn't look in the car, or under the hood or in the trunk (where we'd stashed a big bottle of Scotch for them!)... Turns out, they've been reading THIS blog (Hi Fellas!) and saw that we'd brought the car to Billy's shop to fix the vacuum issues...or as they put it, we'd had the car massaged "...by a professional BMW Speed Shop" and docked us the largest penalty we know of so far; ONE HUNDRED BSP's...that's right, we haven't even taken the green flag yet and we're ONE HUNDRED MILES behind everyone else.
Is it fair? Well, there's a really trick BMW E30 that's here...essentially a full-on racecar. They got 25 BSPs. But, it's Lemons & that's the way the game is played. So, we have a totally unproven car (remember, we have less than TEN MILES of testing on it) and we're starting 100 Laps down.
Now, the good stuff; the brakes seem to be great. The engine is running strong. The radio system I borrowed from Petty is working perfectly. BIG thanks to MSMAutos.com & Wickens Automotive of Concord, NC! We are all set to go! I'll be the first driver in the car; I take the green flag tomorrow at 11am. I'll post updates as often as I can!